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Northern Pacific Railway - 1944 War Emergency Boxcars

Part Number: NP War Emerg-1

Price: $6.50

In 1944 the War Production Board gave permission to the N.P. to build 1,000 plywood, with 4 truss steel framed box cars using the Board's approved plans. Pullman-Standard built 750 of these, numbered 28000-28749, and 250 were built by Pressed Steel Car Co. numbered 28750-28999. These cars remained in revenue service through the 1960's. Car sides and roof painted box car red with a slightly reddish hue, and when new, ends, trucks and underbody were painted black. An accurate model is Ultrascale kit #602. (other roads used 6 truss framed sides and is available in Ultrascale kit #603)


Background color shown above is not included in decal sheet

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